Monday, April 28, 2014


I mentioned before that we were expecting rain today.  We even got up early to try to get ahead of it, but it came earlier than we anticipated.  We awoke to rain that got steadier and heavier by the minute along with some rumbles of thunder.  Eventually we got hitched up after waiting several hours for the rain to die down, but we were still soaked by the time we were done.  The drive home wasn't too bad, but I drove slowly since the roads were still pretty wet.

The real problem came when we tried to get the trailer back into its parking spot next to the house.  The grass was soaked and slick, and the area we park in had turned into a mud pit.  We thought we could do it, but we got the trailer stuck and then even the truck got stuck.  I think I might have lost half a tire spinning out of the mud.  It was almost funny trying to unload because our little house was tipped so much to the side it felt like going through a fun house.  Except it wasn't all that fun.

The result is that now we will probably have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday when the rain is supposed to stop and we will try again.  Until then, the trailer is where it is...  I think we will be getting some gravel soon.

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